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Agricultural History Society papers: reprinted from the Annual report of the American Historical Association for ..., pages ...-...

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Podrobná bibliografie
Osoby a korporace: Agricultural History Society (Vydávající orgán)
Název: Agricultural History Society papers: reprinted from the Annual report of the American Historical Association for ..., pages ...-...
Médium: Elektronische Zeitschrift
Jazyk: Englisch
Washington Government Printing Office 1921-1925
Erscheint auch als: Agricultural History Society papers
Nachdruck von: American Historical Association, Annual report of the American Historical Association, Washington, DC : Smithsonian Inst. Press, 1997, Online-Ressource
Zdroj: Verbunddaten SWB
Lizenzfreie Online-Ressourcen
JSTOR Museum Collection
JSTOR Public Library I Collection
JSTOR Arts & Sciences VII Collection