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The Chinese classics, Vol. 3, Pt. 1 The first parts of the Shoo-king, or the books of T'ang. The Books of Yu. The Books of Hea. The Books of Shang; and the Prolegomena

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Opis bibliograficzny
Osoby i podmioty: Legge, James (Inni)
Tytuł: The Chinese classics (Vol. 3, Pt. 1); The first parts of the Shoo-king, or the books of T'ang. The Books of Yu. The Books of Hea. The Books of Shang; and the Prolegomena/ by James Legge
Originaltitel: Shujing
Medientyp: Książka
Język: Chinesisch, Englisch
Hongkong At the author's 1865
Dzieła zebrane: The Chinese classics; Vol. 3, Pt. 1
Hasła przedmiotowe:
Źródło: Verbunddaten SWB