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Karta narodov Afriki: (s pojasnitel'nym tekstom)
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Title: | Karta narodov Afriki: (s pojasnitel'nym tekstom)/ Institut Etnografii imeni N. N. Miklucho-Maklaja Akademii Nauk SSSR; Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii MG i ON SSSR; B. V. Andrianov |
Type of Resource: | Sheet Cartographic Image |
Language: | Russian |
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Source: | Verbunddaten SWB |
Item Description: | In kyrill. Schrift, russ |
Physical Description: | 1 Kt. in 2 Bl; mehrfarb; je Bl. 113 x 64 cm, gef; 1 Beih. (78 S.) |