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Die Physik irreparabler Mutationen: Physics of irreparable mutations

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Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Drechsel, Dieter
Title: Die Physik irreparabler Mutationen: Physics of irreparable mutations
Type of Resource: E-Book
Language: Multiple languages, German, English
Dresden Dieter Drechsel
Online-Ausg.. 2015
Source: Qucosa
Abstract: This work is a revised edition of the former article “Die Kalkulation irreparabler Mutationen” by the same author. New calculations have been included, and some unclear formulations have been eliminated. New is in the present edition above all the calculation of the very certain temperature - alterations which are necessary for the lengthening of monotonous sequence for one position, provided that these are responsible for a constant viscosity - change of the DNA surroundings (section 6, equations 94 and 95).